Daily Precautions

How are centers making daily precautions?

The only individuals allowed in the centers will be employees and enrolled children. Our doors will remain locked through the day to prevent visitors from entering. Upon entry, each individual will have their temperature checked. Students will have their temperatures monitored throughout the day. Teachers who are not feeling well will not be allowed to work and children who are sent home for illness will have to stay home for 7 days.

Students and teachers will wash hands upon entry and frequently throughout the day.

Daily disinfection and cleaning procedures will be intensified.

What is the drop off/pick up procedure?

At drop off, A Director or teacher will greet each parent outside the entry door and children will have their temperature checked. The teacher will proceed with washing the child’s hand and proceeding to their respective classroom.

Because each center will be locked, Directors will be looking out for parents who are picking up children throughout the day. Each child will be given to their parent after a parent identity check.


Parents Policies and Procedural Manual


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